Liferaft challenge starts TOMORROW
This idea was launched on us with no time to spare. Always up for a challenge I thought it could be great fun to spend 24 hours with a group of girls (who I don't really know very well) and gets me out of the office!
I sent out requests for other marine industry girls to join me in the liferaft, and amazingly it was filled in 2 days, crazy girls all up for this special challenge to spend 24 hours in a liferaft to raise money for Sail 4 Cancer charity.
A few stats
1. Only 1 out of the 8 girls has been in a liferaft (before in storm 10)
2. 50% of the girls are boaty!
3. 84% have concerns about the lack of toilet facilities
4. Once the girls get into the liferaft at 18.00, they cannot get out until 24 hrs later.
The girls will be available for interviews as this would make the time go quicker
Tomorrow night 18.00 at Swanwick Marina
Pledge your support to the girls